Matt is a Denver based drummer/percussionist with comprehensive performance, management and studio experience. A two-time featured soloist for the American Symphony Orchestra, Matt has performed, recorded and toured throughout the US and Europe, collaborating with the likes of Jónsi and Alex, Daniel Lopatin, Paul Corley, GABI and Alexander Turnquist.  

While exploring new forms of electro-acoustic percussion and digital composition, Matt continues to embrace the power of live performance, high energy drumming and group improvisation. His current collaborations include the Denver-based studio project Pink Mage and psychedelic rock trio Moonlight Bloom.

Matt is currently composing and developing solo work that features constructive rhythmic and harmonic meditation, with a focus on healing and ambient bliss.


The Manimals, “Multiverse”
Tween, “Cosmopolitan”
Pink Mage, “Bacepticon EP”
Motor Teresa, self-titled EP
Alexander Turnquist, “Flying Fantasy”
The Manimals., “SEVEN”
GABI, “Sympathy”
Alexander Turnquist, “Hallway of Mirrors”
Fifth Veil, “Lanterns”